Are you struggling to lose belly fat despite doing hours of cardio? Here's why it may not be the most effective method.

Cardio only burns calories during the workout, while strength training boosts metabolism and burns fat even at rest.

Excessive cardio can lead to muscle loss, making it harder to achieve a toned and defined midsection.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been proven to be more effective in burning belly fat than steady-state cardio.

Cardio can increase cortisol levels, a stress hormone that promotes fat storage in the abdominal area.

Focusing solely on cardio can lead to a plateau in weight loss, as the body adapts to the same repetitive movements.

A balanced diet and strength training are crucial for losing belly fat, as they help build lean muscle and reduce overall body fat.

Cardio can increase appetite, making it harder to stick to a healthy diet and potentially leading to weight gain.

Incorporating resistance training into your workout routine can help target specific areas of the body, including the belly.

While cardio has its benefits, it may not be the best solution for losing belly fat. A combination of strength training, HIIT, and a healthy diet is key.